Team are champions in county Big Book Quiz

A team of CBA students beat 29 other teams to win the Northamptonshire Big Book Quiz.
A team of CBA students beat 29 other teams to win the Northamptonshire Big Book Quiz.
Rebecca Loveday, Lucie Hackett, Niamh Scott and Courtney Smith triumphed in the event last week. They were one of 30 teams from 14 county schools who took part in the quiz at Sir Christopher Hatton Academy in Wellingborough.
The students in the two other CBA teams also did us proud, taking 8th and 12th place in the competition.
Students answered questions about books on zombies, books with ‘beautiful’ in the title, books by Sophie McKenzie and The Hunger Games titles, and also took part in a ‘who wrote the book?’ round.
CBA librarian Amy McKay said: “They worked really hard to prepare and they all read a lot of books.
“Rebecca, Lucie, Niamh and Courtney worked nicely as a team and supported each other in different categories, so they deserved it.”