Signature to unveil product at fair

Our enterprising sixth formers will launch their new product at a trade fair in Wellingborough.
Our enterprising sixth formers will launch their new product at a trade fair in Wellingborough.
Members of CBA's Young Enterprise company Signature have created personalised and customised face flannels.
Customers can choose from a range of pink, purple and white flannel gift sets which have been wrapped up to look like crackers to appeal to the Christmas market.
The students will sell the customised face flannels, which have been embroidered with general messages of good will, at several trade fairs over the next few months.
Their first event will be the Young Enterprise Trade Fair for the Wellingborough and Rockingham area which will take place from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 23rd November at the Swansgate Centre in Wellingborough.
The trade fair is part of the Young Enterprise Company Project, which gives young people aged between 15 and 19 the opportunity to set up and run their own company over the course of a year.
The fair will be a chance for the companies to sell their products or services and win one of three prizes on offer for best trade stand, best product or service, and best sales and marketing.
The Mayor of Wellingborough will be one of the judges on the day.
CBA staff and students can also order flannels which can be personalised with people's names.
Samples are available to view in BL7 and the product costs £4.99.
To order personalised flannels email
Anyone who places an order for a gift set before Christmas will be entered into a raffle.