Textiles students create monster toys

Monstrous creations have been seen emerging alongside students from the Academy’s textiles department.
Monstrous creations have been seen emerging alongside students from the Academy’s textiles department.
Our Year 7 students have been designing and creating their own monster toys as part of their latest textiles project.
Textiles teacher Abbie Parsons said: “The students have enjoyed making the toys because they get to design something of their own – the toys are unique and different.
“The students have been really enthusiastic about it and I have been very impressed with their monsters.
“It’s lovely to see how creative the students can be.”
Before the students got to work on the toys they had to master a variety of skills first, including learning how to do transfer dye printing, how to make felt and hand stitching.
To see a picture gallery of the students' work click here