Signature wins second award

Our Young Enterprise company Signature has won a second award.
Our Young Enterprise company Signature has won a second award.
The company of sixth formers received the award for Best Product when they were promoting their customized face flannel gift sets at the Young Enterprise Northampton Trade Fair last weekend.
At the end of last month the students were also presented with the award for Best Sales and Marketing at the Young Enterprise Trade Fair for the Wellingborough and Rockingham area.
Young Enterprise link teacher Alexandra Allan said: “This is excellent news and I would like to say well done in particular to Kieran Durnan, Diana Olahova and Nicole Bean who attended the Northampton fair.
“Schools from Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough, Northampton and Peterborough attended the fair and the competition was tough, with so many creative products available.
“I’m very proud of what Signature has achieved so far.”
The day before the Northampton trade fair members of Signature also attended the Small Business Saturday event held at Willow Place in Corby.
The Corby event was attended by Signature members Diana Olahova and Sa’d Maudarbux and their sponsors R S Components. The sixth formers’ professionalism was praised by Corby Borough Council which tweeted that the school was showing great enterprising skills.
Signature will next sell their face flannels at a trade fair in Milton Keynes in January and are preparing for the Young Enterprise area final in March.
Customers can choose from a range of pink, purple and white flannel gift sets which have been wrapped up to look like Christmas crackers.
CBA staff and students can also order flannels which can be personalized with people’s names. Samples are available to view in BL7 and the product costs £4.99.
To order personalized flannels email
Anyone who places an order for a gift set before Christmas will be entered into a raffle.