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16-19 Tuition Funding

What is the 16-19 tuition fund?

The 16-19 tuition fund is one off funding for the 2020/21 academic year that is ring fenced for Sixth Form colleges to support students and mitigate disruption to learning arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The funding is being used to provide small group tuition for 16-19-year olds where their learning has been disrupted and they have a GCSE Maths and / or English grade of 4 or below. Although targeted students are identified based on their prior attainment in English and Maths, the funding can be used to support students in their learning across a variety of subjects.

How will Corby Business Academy use the funding?

At Corby Business Academy we intend to utilise the funding to provide additional support to small groups of students that have not yet achieved a grade 4 in Mathematics (we currently do not have students who have not achieved at least grade 4 in English). Within this cohort targeted student intervention will be focused on as follows:

Students that have yet to achieve a grade 4 in Maths.

Corby Business Academy has used the funding, as follows:

To purchase bespoke resources for students targeted in the tuition catch up and use these to support their learning.

To run additional weekly lessons with specialised staff.

This statement is in line with the Government guidance and we have published this statement to demonstrate how this additional funding will be utilised in the academic year 2020/21.This document may be updated to reflect any changes in ESFA guidance.