April 2013 - DofE Expedition - C Robinson
April 2013
Dear Parent / Carer
As part of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (The DofE) we have planned expedition opportunities. These expeditions fulfil the requirements of the Bronze Expedition Section of the DofE programme and will enable the students to complete their Bronze Award. Practice Expedition: Wed - Thurs, 05/06/13 – 06/06/13 Stanwick Lakes Area I would like to invite you to a meeting on Monday 13 May 2013, 15.45 in DL1 to discuss in further detail information regarding the expedition. The meeting will give you a more in depth overview of what your child will be doing on the expedition. You will also be able to meet other members of staff assisting on the expedition and ask any questions you may have. Students have been training towards these expeditions for the whole academic year and have developed their independent skills in a range of topic areas. I am looking forward to working with them on their final part of the Bronze DofE. Yours faithfully Claire Robinson DofE Leader ----------------------------------------------------------------"-------------------------------- Please return this slip to Mrs C Robinson I will / will not* be attending the DofE Expedition meeting on 13/05/2013 in DL1. *(please delete as applicable) Name of student___________________________________________
Signature _____________________________ Date ___________________