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Careers Advice (CEIAG)

Embedding Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) within a clear framework is important for a student's development so that they have high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of career options which will inspire them to fulfil their full potential.

For this reason, we have our own full time Careers Lead at Corby Business Academy who delivers and organises the activities from our careers plan across the academic year and is able to support students with their curiosities.

Our Careers Leader, Fern Gibson is based in the school library and is available at all crucial points including Key Stage 3 transition into Key Stage 4, Post-16, Post-18, exams result and enrolment days.  All Year 11 students have an in-depth, one-to-one careers meeting with Fern to discuss their ideas and aspirations. Years 10 and 12 students are guided through work experience with the aim of students developing relevant labour market skills for the future and gaining an insight into the realities of their career aspirations.

It is Corby Business Academy’s mission to provide impartial and objective help and support, ensuring students have the right advice at the right time to enable them to make informed decisions about their career pathway.

We offer employers, motivational speakers as well as further and higher education providers the opportunity to support all stages of the curriculum where appropriate. Our successful careers' strategy delivers a career programme across all 8 Gatsby Benchmarks to facilitate the highest number of students progressing to positive destinations. Throughout the year, students are encouraged to become proactive about their future pathway. They are exposed to the available options and opportunities which include finding out more about Apprenticeships, Entrepreneurialism and other vocational pathways alongside the more traditional A-Levels and university route to ensure all opportunities are maximised.

Corby Business Academy pride ourselves in ensuring young people can benefit from direct contact with the exciting world of work to inform them fully with regard to their decisions about their future education and training options.

If you have any questions relating to careers, please contact the Academy's Careers Lead via email on or call 01536 303120.

This page is reviewed regularly. The next scheduled update is September 2023.