How can I buy School Uniform?
Uniform can be purchased from Karl Sports please click for more details and to see our Uniform page.
What is Wisepay?
Corby Business Academy is now able to accept online payments for students' meals, trips, revision guides and any other items.
Parents and carers have will be provided with their own personal login details to enable them to pay for their child's items electronically using the online system via a credit or debit card. We only use this method for all payments, we do not take cash.
To access WisePay please click here.
What Is the Wisepay Organisation Code?
The organisation code for Corby Business academy Wisepay is 35433316.
My Child has lost their Smart Card?
Lost or damaged Student Smart cards need to be replaced and re-purchased via the WisePay Student Shop under the General Product Manager module.
Student will need their smart card to pay for food in the restaurant and to use in the library to borrow books.
How can I contact a Teacher?
It is not always possible to speak to a teacher during the day as they will be in the classroom teaching. Your child's tutor should be first point of contact. To view Tutor Contact please click here.
What if I need to contact Student Care regarding Safeguarding out of school hours?
Should you need to contact children's Social Care urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, phone the out of hours team on 01604 626938. An operator will answer the phone and take details of the problem and your contact details. They will then pass this information over to the duty social worker.
The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
The MASH can advise on whether a family needs early help or whether they meet the threshold for statutory child protection. Telephone: 0300 126 7000
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
The Designated Officer is accountable to the NSCB and operates independently within Children's Services to help safeguard children.
Designated Officer Andy Smith - 01604 367862
Designated Officer Christine York - 01604 362633
What do I do if My Child Is ill?
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, you must inform the school as soon as possible before 8.30 a.m.
To report an absence telephone 01536 303120 and select option 2 to speak with our Attendance Officer. Please do not leave a voicemail message and persevere if the phones lines are engaged.
Alternatively you can email the Attendance Officer at studentabsence@corbybusinessacademy.org with the following information;
- Student Name
- Year Group
- Absence Reason
- Day of Absence
- Parent/Carer Name
- Parent/Carer Contact Number
- Parent/Carer Email Address
What do I do if my Child has an Appointment?
Please can we be informed of planned medical or dental appointments at least 1 day prior to the appointment. This notification, along with medical evidence, can be emailed to studentabsence@corbybusinessacademy.org.
We accept the following as medical evidence that details the time and date of the appointment:
- Appointment letter/slip
- Text message or online booking confirmation.
What if I want to take my Child on Holiday during Term Time?
Parents are discouraged from taking holidays during term time and holidays will not be authorised and may result in a fine.
To view our Term timetable please click here.
How do I Apply for a Place at the School?
To view our Admission page please click here.
How do I make a Complaint?
To view our Complaint Page please click here.