January 2012 - Gifted & Talented Workshop (by invitation only)
![]() January 2012
Dear Parent/Carer
At Corby Business Academy we are constantly striving to improve standards and opportunities for our students. This year, as part of our ongoing Gifted and Talented programme we are running a series of Gifted and Talented Saturday workshops. These workshops will take place at Corby Business Academy and have been specifically designed to ensure that children who are “Gifted” or “Talented” are given additional opportunities to reach and exceed their academic potential.
The second of these Saturday workshops will take place on the 4th February 2012. This event will be hosted by the National Space Centre and will involve students dealing with a crisis management scenario. If you would like to read more information on the ‘e-mission’ there is information on their website:
There will be two workshops running during Saturday 4th February. The first one will be 9:30-12.30, and the second one will be 11:30-2.30. There are 30 places available for each workshop so the first 60 responses will be guaranteed a place. This limit is set by the Space centre and therefore out of our control.
This is a fantastic opportunity for your child. Although these are optional sessions, I hope they will attend. If you would like your child to participate in this programme can you please return the slip below. There will be a short break for students during the workshop activities. Please provide them with a snack and a drink as there are no food facilities on site at the weekend. I look forward to your reply and to working with you in the future to help your child to reach their full potential.
Yours faithfully
K Farrar
Kirsty Farrar Assistant Principal
Please return reply slip to Mrs K Farrar - Gifted & Talented
Student name:……………………………………………………………………………… Tutor Group: ……………………..
Preferred time (please circle) 9.30-12.30 11.30-2.30
I give consent for my child to attend the Operation Montserrat:
Parent Name:……………………………………………………………………………….
Signature:……………………………………………………………………………………. |