June 2012 - Corby Business Academy Ski Trip 2013
![]() 19th June 2012 Corby Business Academy Ski Trip 2013
Dear Parent/Carer
In order to help you budget for the cost of the Corby Business Academy Ski Trip 2013 that your son/daughter will be participating in, we have produced a payment schedule. The cost of the trip is £710 and your deposit of £100 has been received, leaving a balance of £610. Below is a breakdown of the payments that are to be made.
Payment plan:
£152.50 – 13th July 2012 £152.50 – 21st September 2012 £152.50 – 19th October 2012 £152.50– 14th December 2012
If you have already paid any monies this has not been included in this letter.
Please be aware that all trip monies are non refundable. In the case of students needing to withdraw from a trip for a medical reason, a medical certificate will need to be provided.
A reminder will be sent for future payments, all payments to be made to Student Reception by cash/'Wisepay' /cheque (made out to Corby Business Academy).
Yours sincerely
Director of Subject --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corby Business Academy - Ski Trip 2012
Please hand into student reception the next instalment due on 13th July 2012
Amount of £............................. cash/'Wisepay'/cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy)
I agree he/she will abide by the academy code of conduct whilst on trips. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions
Signature Parent/Carer_______________________________________Date_______________