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May 2012 - Sailing with Northampton Sailability Summer 2012 (Inclusion)



Dear Parent/Carer


Re: Northampton Sailability, Pitsford Water, Brixworth


The summer sailing season is fast approaching and we have arranged the opportunity for your child to participate in seven sailing sessions during the summer terms as part of their Sport and Leisure.  Northampton Sailability provides sailing opportunities for anyone with a disability and is a charity run by volunteers. Each sailing session costs £4 per student and we are asking for a £3.00 contribution per session to help fund this activity.


Sailing will be on Mondays June 18th, 25th and July 9th, 16th 2012.  We will leave by 9.00 a.m. and return to the academy in time for lunch. 


Students are required to wear their academy PE uniform (black tracksuit bottoms, black academy polo shirt and black academy sweatshirt with trainers) and bring a spare set of clothes is recommended for emergency use.  Waterproofs and buoyancy aids/life jackets will be provided by Northampton Sailability.



Please complete the form and sign the permission slip below and return to the academy by Wednesday 30th May 2012.


If you require any further information please contact me


Thank you for your continued support.


Yours sincerely


N. J. Clark


Miss Nikki Clark

Base Tutor



To: Miss Clark – by Wednesday 30th May 2012


Sailing with Northampton Sailability Summer 2012


I give permission for  ________________________________ (name of student)


to participate in sailing and £3.00 per session (a total of £12.00).


I enclose  £……………………. cash/cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy)


Signed: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________



Emergency Contact Number: ___________________________________