May 2012 - Shakespeare Birth Place (by invitation only)
May 2012Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Shakespeare Birth Place
As part of the student’s English work we will be visiting the birthplace of William Shakespeare on Tuesday 22nd May 2012.
We will be leaving the Academy at 8.40am, therefore students need to ensure they have breakfast before they arrive into school, we will arrive back in time for School transport at 3.30pm.
Students who do not receive free school meals will be required to bring a packed lunch.
Students may also bring a maximum of £5.00 spending money to spend at the gift shop.
Full school uniform is to be worn on this trip. Please ensure that students do not bring mobile phones, MP3 players etc as the school can not take responsibility if any item should be lost.
The cost of the trip is £6.00 per student should you wish your child to participate in this event please return the reply slip at the bottom of this letter with payment to student reception as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
C Brown
Mrs C Brown Trip Leader
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return slip to Student Reception – Ref: Shakespeare Visit - C Brown
Student Name: …………………………………………… Date: ………………………….
£6.00 paid by cash / cheque (made payable to Corby Business Academy)
I give consent for my child to take part in the above activity. I agree he/she will abide by the academy code of conduct whilst on trips.
Signed: …………………………………………………… (Parent/Carer)
Emergency contact number: ……………………………...