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Meet the Student Care Team

The student care team provide daily support for all students, staff and parent/Carers. They are based in the student care room on the upper mall just outside the MAIT faculty. There, students will be able to access all forms of support, advice, guidance and wellbeing check if needed. They will also assist in arranging appointments with external agencies, make referrals and communicate with parents and carers.

The team consists of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and three student support officers:


Mrs Harris - Assistant Principal - Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Harris has worked at the Academy for the last 15 years and has been the Safeguarding Lead for over four years. Student Care has developed over time and has seen an increase in capacity to support our students. Working alongside the Senior Leadership Team and the Trust Safeguarding Lead Mrs Harris ensures an effective and supportive process in place for students, staff and parent/carers.




Mrs Lapsley - Year 7 and 8 Student Support Officer

Mrs Lapsley has been working at the Academy for over 15 years and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. Mrs Lapsley specialises in Early Help, Looked After Children, Protective Behaviours and Trauma.




Mrs Bruce - Year 11, 12 and 13 Student Support Officer

Mrs Bruce has been working at the Academy for just over a year. She hosts a variety of skills and knowledge both academically and in mental health. Mrs Bruce will be developing the awareness and support surrounding mental health and wellbeing and is our Mental Health Lead.



Mrs Stevenson - Year 9 and 10 Student Support Officer

Mrs Stevenson has recently joined the academy and comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience supporting students and their families. Mrs Stevenson specialises in Early Help, Child Protection, SGO and providing intervention and support for parents challenged with their children’s school refusal.


The Student Care Room

The student care room is based on the upper mall just outside the MAIT faculty. Each student support officer is based within this room and is available for students to talk to during break and lunch. If a student requires support during the day/lessons, then appointments will be made to accommodate their need. A variety of leaflets and posters are available on display for external agencies, which will help them on gaining extra support if required.

In August 2021, two small private rooms were added to the provision. The rooms host beautiful country woodland wall art for a calming environment, settees, fidget toys, books and colouring equipment and mood lighting to ensure students feel comfortable and relaxed. These rooms also provide a quiet space for students just to have a few minutes or provide an area for any confidential conversations.