October 2012 - GCSE French/Spanish Controlled Assessment
![]() October 2012
Dear Parent/Carer
Re. GCSE French/Spanish Controlled Assessment
I am writing to inform you that your son/daughter will be taking a Controlled Assessment for GCSE French/Spanish during the first two weeks of November 2012. This will take place under exam conditions. It is worth 15% of the total marks for the examination and will be submitted to the awarding body, AQA, for marking.
Your son/daughter has prepared for this assessment during lessons but will need to learn phrases and vocabulary at home. This individual preparation is essential to achieve their target grade.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by returning the attached slip to student reception.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me at the Academy by ‘phone or email kturney@corbybusinessacademy.org
Thank you in advance for your support in this matter.
Yours sincerely
Karen Turney Director of Subject, Modern Foreign Languages
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return slip to Student Reception
Re. GCSE French/Spanish Controlled Assessment
Student name: ……………………………………………………………………….
I have received the letter regarding GCSE French/Spanish Controlled Assessment which will take place during the first two weeks of November 2012.
Signed ____________________________________________ (parent/carer)