September 2013 - Sixth Form University Taster Day
September 2013
Dear Parent/Carer
Re. University of Northampton subject taster days – Thursday 23rd October 2013 Year 12 and 13 students have been invited to attend the above University taster sessions in order to give them an insight into studying courses at University students can choose from the following specific sessions to attend along with being able to look at the other facilities on offer at the University.
University staff will also be present to talk to students about the application process, student finance and student life in general. Whilst not all students may be considering University this is an opportunity to make an informed decision. Therefore all Level 3 students are expected to attend. We will be leaving CBA by coach at 9.00am and returning at approximately 3.30pm. Students will need to bring a packed lunch or they can purchase a lunch at the University. If on free school meals CBA will provide a packed lunch. Please return the reply slip at the bottom of this letter by Friday 20th of September 2013. Thank you for your support. Yours faithfully K Isaksen Head of 6th Form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: Mrs K Isaksen Re: University of Northampton University Convention - Thursday 23rd October 2013
Student Name:………………………………………………….Date:………………………… I give consent for my child to take part in the above activity. I agree he/she will abide by the academy code of conduct whilst on trips.
Signed:…………………………………………………………………. (Parent/Carer)
Emergency contact number: ………………………………………………………