Year 9 Options
Welcome to our Year 9 Options page. We hope the information on this page will support you in making informed decisions about your Year 9 Options.
Parents / Carers will receive an invitation email to allow them to access the online option choosing process. The instruction guide for SIMS options is shown below. Students have until the 31st March to complete the options form in consultation with their parents / carers.
Principal's welcome
Dear Year 9 students,
As you approach this crossroad of your academic journey, it is important to make informed choices for your studies at Key Stage 4. Ensuring that subjects match your future aspirations, and that pathways are suitable for you, should be carefully considered.
Please ensure that you have a vision of what you want to achieve at the end of Year 11 and that your attainment results enable you to have secure opportunities for your Post-16 destinations; this is something that you will appreciate in the future.
You have received a breath of experiences, opportunities and support to make these option choices; it is important that you draw upon this knowledge and understanding as you commit to your subjects for the next two years. Consider the following when you submit your applications and remember to discuss decisions with staff and your parents or carers:
- Careers Advice received in one-to-one appointments, Assemblies, Tutor Times and Personal Development lessons
- Subject Presentations and the information received in this booklet
- Specialist Teacher advice and guidance, as well as the feedback received in our recent parents / carers evening
I would also like you to pose yourself some important questions that could support further, as well as enable an independent and considered thought process:
- Which subjects do I perform best in, and which ones will give me my best academic outcomes at the end of Year 11?
- Will my choices give me a range of options for Post16 education and do they match my career ambitions into adulthood?
- Is an academic or Ebacc route something that will allow me to access university placements more easily?
- Do I need a creative or practical outlet throughout Key Stage 4, something that allows a broad curriculum for me?
Finally, whilst friendships are important and can bring happiness or security at school, your choices should not be based around your peers; these decisions are individual to you and they should reflect your own passions and abilities. Opportunities to maintain relationships are plentiful from both inside and outside of the Academy.
Please ensure you access any further advice or guidance you require from the range of staff in the building. Senior Leaders, Subject Teachers, SEND staff and the Student Care Team are here to support you.
We look forward to your continued progress through this options process.
Aim high, you’ll be surprised how far you can reach.
Yours sincerely
Mr S. Underwood
Associate Principal