Physical Education / Sport
PE Core Values
Subject Rationale
Our Curriculum Intent
‘ To prepare every child for life through physical education.’
Our PE core values of Develop, Educate, Engage and Prepare help to support all students in PE regardless of their starting point in sport and physical activity. As teachers our physical education at Corby Business Academy our commitment is to ensure that all students leave education prepared to live a physically active life, with an understanding of how it impacts their emotional, physical and mental health.
We prepare students through Physical literacy looks at activity from the view of the whole person, which includes your emotional, physical and mental engagement in physical activity – how you behave, think and take part.
At Corby Business Academy we offer a skills-concept based curriculum. This allows us to promote the five elements of physical literacy; Enjoyment, confidence, competence, understanding and knowledge through the PE Core values.
To ensure all students achieve and are prepared for life through physical education we focus on different elements such as competence and confidence in movement through teaching a range of different sports and physical activities. Students will have opportunities in lessons to experience resilience and perseverance as well as develop their emotional intelligence.
As students move into KS4 they have the opportunity to take on BTEC Sport Tech Award in order to gain further understanding in how their body works, how to live a healthy lifestyle and how to coach and lead individuals and groups in a range of different sports. As our curriculum develops we will look to provide further qualifications such as GCSE PE and BTEC Health and Fitness. Students in KS4 also receive one hour of core PE each week. Students are able to select which sports they take part in each term to give students more control and choice over the physical activities they take part in.
Our KS5 offer is the Level 3 BTEC Sport Award which offers students further opportunities to expand their knowledge of sport, fitness and careers. Students will study the anatomy and physiology of the human body and how different barriers impact their day to day lifestyle. Students will also review fitness testing and carry out a study using these tests to explore the components of fitness.
More information about the KS4 and KS5 sports qualifications can be found below.
KS3 PE Assessment
KS3 Curriculum Overview 2023-2024
* subject to change dependant on weather and facility conditions
Members of Staff
Head of Physical Education - Lead for Rugby, Cricket and Basketball
Teacher of Physical Education - Lead for Boys Football and Futsal
Teacher of Physical Education - Lead for Girls Football and Futsal
Teacher of Physical Education & Head of Year 10 - Lead for Netball and Athletics
Teacher of Physical Education & Assistant Principal
Teacher of Physical Education & Assistant Principal
Road Stories