Year 6 to 7 Transition
Hello and welcome to Corby Business Academy’s Year 6 into 7 transition page.
If your child has been offered a place in Year 7 at Corby Business Academy for September 2024, this page should provide you with all the information you will need, as well as answer any questions you might have. Here at the Academy, we recognise that the more information we can provide for students, parents and carers, the smoother and less stressful the transition process will be in these strange times. We will endeavour to update the webpage at regular intervals.
In this area, you will have access to a Transition video where your child will be introduced to key members of staff involved with Year 7 and be taken on a tour of the Academy. A copy of our Transition booklet will also be available for you to read.
On a weekly basis, a newsletter will be uploaded, detailing the various transition activities that are planned. Tutors will be introduced as part of the weekly newsletters and their profiles are available shortly afterwards. Following the release of the final newsletter, you will receive an email informing you of which tutor group your child has been placed in.
If your child is joining our Unit Provision, please look at this tab to access additional information and resources related specifically to the Unit.
We are delighted that you have chosen Corby Business Academy for the next stage of your child’s educational journey and meeting you all face to face in the near future.
If you have any queries about any of this information or the transition process generally, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Yours sincerely,
Mrs H. Wilson
Assistant Principal
Parent Information Evening
We were delighted to welcome parents and carers to our Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 2nd July which consisted of a Principal's Welcome Presentation, a Q&A session for mainstream SEND students and an opportunity for students to try on uniform.
Transition Day - Friday 5th July 2024
Our Year 6 to 7 Transition Day is Friday 5th July 2024.
Transition Booklet
New weekly newsletters are available to download below;
Newsletter Week One - 3rd June 2024
Newsletter Week Two - 10th June 2024
Please see below our Corby Business Academy transition video.
Another useful video below;
Moving up to Secondary School video -
Key Year 7 Staff Profiles
You can find out more about the Year 7 Tutor Team at Corby Business Academy by clicking on the profiles below. Read all about their interests, what they teach and where to find them within the Academy. We will upload more profiles over the following weeks.
Mrs Heather Wilson
Assistant Principal and Year 7 SLT Link
Mr Alfie O'Sullivan
Year 7 Welcome Letters
Letters from students attending Corby Business Academy will be uploaded below over the coming weeks and will allow you to find out more about the Academy from the view of the students.
Please view letters regarding the Year 6 to Year 7 transition below.
Forms and Agreements
Links to any forms parents and carers are required to complete before their child starts Year 7 at the Academy in September 2024 will be uploaded here. Please ensure all forms are completed no later than Friday 28th June 2024.
Policies and Agreements
Please ensure you read the below Agreement Policies before complete the Parent/Carer and Student Agreement Form:
Home School Agreement Policy
Transport Agreement Policy
Photographic and Media Consent Agreement Policy
IT Acceptable Use Agreement Policy
To agree to the above policies, please log into EduLink and update your child's information to consent to these policies.
Data Form
Corby Business Academy and the Local Education Authority are required under Data Protection legislation to comply with essential good practice in respect of information collected here and manage it securely. The individuals who are the subject of the information and are encouraged to help keep information up to date. This information will be used for educational, welfare, planning and managerial purposes. Please complete the Data Form by clicking on the link below when it is uploaded over the coming weeks. Please ensure all pages are fully and clearly completed and that the document is signed and dated at all relevant points.
To find out more about the uniform your child will require for September please view our Uniform page here. To order uniform from our suppliers please click here.
Bus Application
To apply for a bus for your child please click here. To find out more about the bus number and route your child requires please click here to view our bus information page.
Student Questionnaire
To support students' transition to Year 7, we ask that new students complete a questionnaire:
CBA Student Questionnaire
Students are able to select the names of two people they work well with, and we will try to keep them with someone they know in their tutor group.
Brooke Weston Trust's policies can be viewed here.
The Unit Provision
Below you will find a range of resources specifically designed for new Year 7 students starting in our Unit Provision in September.
There is a document to help students become more familiar with the school building and a social story for wearing school uniform as well as useful information for parents and carers.
In the coming weeks additional social stories to support transition and staff profiles will be added. Please click on the titles or the images to open each document.
My New School - Year 6 to 7 Transition Information
Staff Profiles
Mrs Bennett - Assistant Unit Manager
Mrs Brown - Assistant Unit Manager
Miss Campbell - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Coleman - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs McCracken - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Shackleton - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Wooton - Learning Support Assistant
The Big Read 2024
Each year, the Academy holds a transition reading challenge for new Year 7 students joining us in September. This year, the Academy have based the challenge around ‘Black Hole Magic Club’, written by Christopher Edge. This book is only recently published and has been described as ‘an edge-of-your-seat adventure like no other’. Students will be given a copy of the book on transition day. Students are encouraged to read all, or some of the book and complete activities based on the book over the summer holidays.
Please view the below video with our Assistant Principal, Mrs Wilson, reading the first chapter of this exciting book.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy’s Librarian; Mrs C. Keelan: